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Coaching for strategic organizational development

For each specific client leadership team and organization, Metasysteme Coaching designs a strategic systemic-coaching process tailored to simultaneously achieve measurable OPERATIONAL goals: in mergers and acquisitions, quality service and products, financial and sales development, etc. and CULTURAL transformation: in management, transversal collaboration, innovation, delegation and ownership, collective decision-making, systemic time management, etc.

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Our engagement to develop a worldwide systemic coaching community

Since 2007, Metasysteme is a globally recognized key influencer and player in the development of systemic coaching. Consult presentations on our philosophy, skills-oriented training architectures, innovative team processes, publications podcasts and videos...

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Our training programs, locations, dates and prices

Online and on-location individual, team and organizational systemic-coaching skills-oriented training programs (LEVEL II ICF), for coaches, managers, consultants, entrepreneurs.

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To expand your mind, enjoy free access to a gold mine of coaching-related articles

Enlarge your personal and professional perspectives : enjoy the results of more than 40 years of training, consulting and coaching experience shared in articles covering case studies, team and organizational cultures, coaching skills, tools, theory and practice, etc.

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solid reputation rests on a long history (since 1979) of satisfied
clients who have enjoyed our very practical, operational, results and
performance-oriented individual, team and organizational systemic
coaching approach.

International Coach Federation

Metasysteme is an international network of trained independent coaches who share a common vision and purpose, personal and professional ethics, extremely performing skills and tools, a foundational systemic coherency, and who just love to collaborate in common organizational coaching programs. 

Metasysteme is an interantional provider of individual, team and organizational coaching, and  I.C.F.-validated learning programs to acquire coaching skills applied to meet all personal and professional-developement concerns

Metasysteme exists at the crossroads of systemic coaching, organizational-development, behavioral skill-oriented training and strategic consulting.  

Internationally, for each and every individual, leader, executive team, board, network and organizational client, we accompany strategic individual and collective development.


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